In general you will visit our practice with your child after making an appointment. In certain conditions we can do house calls. During the intake we strive to analyse the problem as clearly and thoroughly as possible. We then will further develop the need for help which has arisen.
We usually/mostly use standard measuring instruments. All this is done in a playful manner adjusted to the development-level of the child. The results of this test and the possible additional tests, will be discussed with the parents and/or child. Together we will determine whether help from a children’s physiotherapist is necessary or not. If so, we will propose a treatment plan with follow-up steps and goals. A research report will be sent to your General Practioner and other health workers who may be involved.
Throughout the therapy all disciplines will work closely together. During and after the period of treatment we will evaluate the progress.
We work according to the guidelines Dutch Association of Children’s Physiotherapy.